Learn more about Cleeen
Here is a non-exhaustive list of items you can manage with Cleeen:
- Your clients and items
- Your employees and their activities
- Establish quotes, make purchases and follow their execution
- Automatically receive intervention reports
- Manage your client subscriptions and plan missions
- And of course, issue invoices
By proceeding with your pre-registration, you will get free access to our service as soon as it launches. Billing will only be effective from January 2024.
Yes, our mobile application is available for iOS and Android operating systems.
Yes, we will offer tutorials on the Youtube platform to help users make the most of Cleeen
Absolutely! Our support team is available to answer all your questions and solve any issues you might encounter through Email and Whatsapp.
Yes, Cleeen will be compatible with several third-party software. These integrations will be done based on our customers' needs.